Transport Services Polokwane | Warehousing Polokwane

Transport Services & Warehousing in Polokwane
Welcome to Craig Young Carriers & Warehousing
Craig Young Carriers is a professional transport company based in Polokwane in the Limpopo Province. Since 1990, we have been the key logistics role player in the North. With over 29 years worth of logistical and warehouse experience, CYC has evolved into the most trusted transport brands in Polokwane and the surrounding areas.

We offer complete transportation, logistics and warehousing solutions, both nationally and cross-border. Our aim is to deliver on time, every time.

We are known in the transportation market for a tradition of quality service and ongoing, long customer partnerships. We pride ourselves in catering for all our customers' individual needs

Craig Young Carriers offers a wide range of services.
We offer a wide range of services for your convenience. Our services include reefers, interlinks and tippers.

As an added service, we also offer safe warehousing in Polokwane.